企业拥有一批专业的电光源工程技术人员,一直以来,我们用心追踪国际电光源发展潮流,致力于开发绿色环保节能光源,公司把产品质量放在*位,以"只求更好"的质量理念,致力于用心做的更好! 目前,本公司已建立庞大的销售网络,产品***各地,南美洲等东南亚等*和地区,广泛受到国内外客户及用户的青睐。
QQ:595072621 Tel:1359080**** Zngshan duoshengkeji Lighting Appliance CO.,Ltd ,specialized in T4/T5/T8/T8 transfer to T5 lighting fixture Series, electronic ballasts and transformers and energy-s*ing lamps cup corporate entities。
The company owns “Pairs”,“duosheng”,“Austria a” three brands,We fully carried out kinds of lights in the research,development and production,so as to the potential market,improved product promotion channels,competitive of the price,and excellent quality to meet with customer needs,Has won more and more customers support。
We h*e a team of green electricity sourcemthe company will yield quality frist,"do better," the quality of ideas,relying on its own technical advantage and scale advantages to intentions do better. At present,the company has already built up a large distribution network,the products sell well in south America,Southeast Asia and other cou*ies and regions,extensive by domestic and foreign traders and user of all ages.the company will ,with its excellent
广东 中山市 T8磁导体 T8双管工程支架 T5转换支架 T5格栅灯盘 T5双管工程支架 T5T8LED一体化 T4T5T8支架 LED天花灯